RBR50 Highlight: Glidance supplies independence to visually impaired people

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rbr50 banner with a women in a crosswalk using the glidance device.

Group: Glidance Inc.
Nation: U.S.
Web page: https://glidance.io/
Yr Based: 2023
Choice of Staff: 2-10
Innovation Magnificence: Software

Within the U.S., round 1 million adults are blind. But, handiest 2% to eight% use a white cane for navigation. Maximum as an alternative depend on information canines or sighted partners, consistent with the Perkins College for the Blind. This reliance limits independence and mobility, a problem that Glidance, winner of the 2023 RoboBusiness Pitchfire Festival, objectives to deal with via robotics.

rbr50 banner logo.The corporate’s flagship product, Drift, provides self sustaining mobility help for the visually impaired. It contains complicated guiding applied sciences and a novel mechanical design to foster independence.

Drift’s innovation supplies haptic and audio comments for protection. The product has garnered reward from business mavens, specifically for its possible to serve an underserved marketplace section. CEO Amos Miller, himself blind, brings a firsthand point of view to Glidance’s undertaking.

The Seattle-based corporate plans to promote the tool for roughly the price of a brand new mobile phone. It’ll additionally be offering subscription plans that allow function updates and choices that may make Drift simply configurable for every consumer’s wishes.

With a battery lifetime of as much as 8 hours and fast consumer adaptation, Drift guarantees to revolutionize mobility for the visually impaired. Based via Miller and Mike Sinclair, Glidance represents hope for the ones in the hunt for better freedom and autonomy in navigating the arena.

Miller famous that greater than 50,000 people lose their sight annually, but international there are handiest 10,000 running information canines any yr. This leaves an enormous hole and offering the chance for a tool like Drift to make an enormous distinction in customers’ lives. It could actually price as much as $50,000 once a year to coach and handle a information canine during its running lifetime with an individual who’s blind.

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